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Adding and removing drivers from TrackSim

Get setup with our API, so you can add/remove drivers automatically

To use TrackSim, you need to tell us who your drivers are, you do this by returning their Steam64ID to our API.

There are two ways you can add drivers, manually via our dashboard or via our public API.

*Note: If you store if a driver has connected TrackSim on your own application and you manually update a driver on TrackSim Portal your data maybe become out of sync. In the future, we will be launching webhooks which will get your application know when a change has been made via the TrackSim Portal.*

Adding Drivers via our API

You can add a driver by making a POST request to the endpoint with the following JSON payload.

"steam_id": "<STEAM_64ID>"

If your request was successful, the driver object will be returned.

Unsuccessful requests can be for the following reasons:

  • steam_profile_private - The requested steam user profile is private.
  • resource_already_exists - The selected driver is already connected to your company.
  • driver_no_compatible_games - The requested steam user doesn't own ETS2 or ATS (This could be due to it being private on their profile.)
  • max_driver_limit_reached - This error occurs when you reached the maximum number of drivers for your account. Please upgrade to continue adding more drivers.

Removing Drivers via our API

You can remove a driver by making a DELETE request to the endpoint with the following JSON payload.

"steam_id": "<STEAM_64ID>"

If you receive a 200 response code, your request was successful.

Unsuccessful requests can be for the following reasons:

  • driver_does_not_exist - Driver could not be found