Migrating from Navio
As announced by Navio, unfortunately they are closing down from the 31st March 2023. We want to make it as easy as possible for Navio VTCs to transfer over to our platform. Below you can find all the differences between our platform and theirs and the changes you will need to make:
Adding and Removing Drivers
The endpoints used for adding and removing drivers are different at TrackSim, please see our page on adding and removing drivers here.
Custom Discord RPC
Our Discord RPC system is directly compatible with Navio's. All you need todo is copy your Application ID
and head
over to our settings page and click on the Discord RPC tab, you can now paste the
application ID in the game of your choice or both and click save.
Datetime format
Please note that TrackSim uses a different time format for its system.
TrackSim Datetime format: 2023-01-26T23:49:49Z
(All times returned from TrackSim are UTC)
Navio Datetime format: 2023-01-26 23:49:49
TrackSim uses a similar system to Navio for its webhook sending.
Authentication & signing
TrackSim uses the same signing system as Navio, You can see details about our signing system here.
Payload Structure
TrackSim uses the same payload structure as Navio for it's webhooks.
Job Webhook Object
TrackSim uses the same object for jobs part from these changes listed below:
removed (This is a Navio only thing)data->driver->client->installed
has been added in preparation for our multiple platform support.data->driver->is_banned
moved todata->multiplayer->meta->server
moved todata->multiplayer->meta->player_id
is now a boolean instead of a number
Trailers Payload
TrackSim uses the exact same payload as Navio for Webhooks.
Events Payload
TrackSim uses a similar payload to Navio but our event type names are different to which navio uses, see a list of the events navio handles and the name type of them on TrackSim:
The rest of our event types are the same as Navio's.
For full details on the data we return see here
Navio My Platform
TrackSim doesn't have a my platform where your drivers can manage their tracker. At TrackSim settings a based per company and can be managed via our API, you can see details about this endpoint here.
Navio Live vs TrackSim Gateway
Our Live Gateway isn't ready to go just yet. We will update this migration guide when our gateway is ready to be rolled out.